Giovanni Botero, Knowledge, Rome and Catholic Universalism




Rome , 1500


Critical review of the book: Andretta, Elisa, Romain Descendre y Antonella Romano (ed.). Un mondo di Relazioni. Giovanni Botero e i saperi nella Roma del Cinquecento. Roma: Viella, 2021.


Author Biographies

Fernando Ciaramitaro, Autonomous University of México City

Is a professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico City. He has completed his postdoctoral studies at El Colegio de México and has a doctorate in history from the University of Catania (Italy). He has been a professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and has taught undergraduate and graduate courses, and has been a visiting professor at some European and American universities, including the Iberoamerican University, the Mora Institute, the University of Palermo and the Casa by Velázquez of Madrid. He has participated in numerous international conferences and colloquiums and has published more than forty texts, including articles, reviews, book chapters, monographs, etc. He has been the head of three research projects and has directed undergraduate and postgraduate theses. He is finalizing a monograph, co-authored with José Luis Souto, on iconography and power in the Catholic monarchy.

Pablo Abascal, Iberoamerican University / national Autonomous University of México

He completed his undergraduate studies in History at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. He has master's and doctoral studies in History at the European University Institute of Florence, where he graduated in 2015. His thesis dealt with the establishment of the Jesuit college of Tepotzotlán during the generalship of Claudio Acquaviva (1580-1615). Upon his return to Mexico, he completed a postdoctoral stay at the Autonomous University of Querétaro, where he taught various courses at the bachelor's and master's levels, and worked on several publications in collective books and national and international magazines. He has just completed his postdoctoral degree at the Institute for Research on University and Education (IISUE) of the UNAM, where he researched the temporalities of the schools that belonged to the Company of Jesus. He teaches classes at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Claustro de Sor Juana and Universidad Hebraica. He is a member of the National System of Level I Researchers.


Botero, Giovanni. Dell’vffitio del cardinale libri II. Roma: Nicolò Mutii, 1599.

Brambilla, Elena. La giustizia intollerante. Inquisizione e tribunali confessio-nali in Europa (secoli IV-XVIII). Roma: Carocci, 2015.

Ciaramitaro, Fernando. “La frontera misionera en México entre conquista espiritual y territorial (Chiapas, territorio yaqui y Californias)”, Anuario latinoamericano. 6 (2018) 169-184.

Ciaramitaro, Fernando. Santo Oficio imperial. Dinámicas globales y el caso siciliano. Barcelona-México: Gedisa-uacm, 2022.

Descendre, Roman. L’État du monde. Giovanni Botero entre raison d’État et géopolitique. Genève: Droz, 2009.

Ditchfield, Simon. “Carlo Borromeo in the Construction of Roman Catho- licism as a World Religion”, Studia Borromaica. 25 (2011) 3-33.

“Relación”, en Sebastián de Covarrubias Orozco. Tesoro de la lengva castella- na, o española. Madrid: Luis Sánchez, 1611.

Ricard, Robert. La conquista espiritual de México. Ensayo sobre el apostolado y los métodos misioneros de las órdenes mendicantes en la Nueva España de 1523-1524 a 1572. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986.



How to Cite

Ciaramitaro, Fernando, and Pablo Abascal. 2023. “Giovanni Botero, Knowledge, Rome and Catholic Universalism”. Historia Y Grafía, no. 62 (December):419-29.